The Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology Journal was established in 1991 by the Bangladesh Association of Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology with a view to publishing work being done in plant tissue culture and related areas, as well as biotechnology, both within the country and in neighboring countries as well as across the globe. The journal is published biannually, in June and December of each year, by the Bangladesh Association of Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology. The articles are open access and follow the Creative Commons License (4.0). The objective was initially to promote Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology research in the subcontinent. In its 32 years of existence, the biannual journal has proven to be a regional publishing medium for scientists of the Indian subcontinent, the South East, as well as countries in the Middle East and Africa, to showcase their plant tissue culture and molecular biology related research findings.
The journal's goals and scope are to publish research on effective tissue culture and regeneration of unique crop genotypes, as well as methodologies for successfully transforming them for biotic and abiotic resistance, quality improvement, and yield enhancement. The scope has been widened to encompass gene editing technologies for agricultural development, as well as microbial discoveries for improving plant growth. Furthermore, we publish research on molecular breeding technologies, such as the use of various types of molecular markers and cloning technologies for crop improvement, as well as DNA sequences related to newly discovered genotypes or strains of organisms associated with crop diversity or enhancement. In addition, the journal's scope includes bioinformatics investigations on crops, either for biotic- abiotic stress tolerance or nutritional improvement, as well as transgenic plant biosafety studies including risk assessments of environment and food, GM plant regulations. We also welcome information on various plant diseases, vectors, and abiotic stressors, including their physiology and management in light of plant biotechnology.
Criteria for consideration manuscripts:
We encourage the submission of manuscripts with novel
findings for propagation or crop improvement with respect to managing crop
production with the current environmental challenges that we are facing. We will
decline manuscripts with findings similar to published material like that of a different
genotype within a species, for example, multiple submissions on similar topics or
redundant ones, unless the proper novelty of the research is explained clearly. We will
implement strict plagiarism checks using standard software, and any manuscript with
more than 30% commonality will be returned. Articles will be sent to 2 independent
reviewers, in a double blind manner and 2-3 weeks will be provided for the return of
their comments on the suitability of publications. Any corrections made by the authors
will be asked to be returned within 2-3 weeks. The views of the reviewers will be considered by the relevant editors, and the decision to publish is ultimately placed for
concurrence by the editorial board. Editors evaluate submitted manuscripts
exclusively on the basis of their academic merit, e.g., importance, originality, the
study's validity, and clarity.
Standards for objectivity for reviewers
are instructed to handle manuscripts in a fair and objective manner. They
need to provide adequate and clear instructions for improvement if applicable so that
the authors can act on those in a constructive manner for improvement of the article.
These may include comments on the manuscript itself and uploading that version of
the manuscript. If the study provided in the publication is flawed, the reviewers are
requested to criticize the science rather than the person. Criticism should be impartial
and aimed at improving the author's paper, rather than based on personal opinions.
If the reviewer has any conflict of interest with any of the authors, companies, or
institutions involved in the manuscript, they should decline to review it.
The reviewers may note any potential conflicts of interest with the author(s) or their
institution in confidential comments to the editor, even if there are none. If unsure,
they are requested to contact the editor who requested the review before accepting.
The reviewers are also requested to maintain the secrecy of the text, which was sent to
them in confidence. They are requested to refrain from discussing any unpublished
manuscripts with others or use the information for their own benefit. If the
reviewer believes that a colleague is more competent to assess the paper, please
inform the editor and provide the contacts of the relevant colleague. The reviewers
are requested to keep their evaluation and recommendations confidential.
The reviewers are requested to take care to remain anonymous, and avoid leaving
comments that can reveal their identity.