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Plant Tissue Cult. 8(1) : 131-137, 1998 (December)

High Frequency Somatic Embryogenesis from Immature Inflorescence of Coix aquatica Roxb.

Sanjay K. Katiyar and Girish Chandel

Biotechnology Centre, Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur-492 012, India

Key words: Coxi aquatica, Somatic embryogenesis, Regeneration


High frequency somatic embryogenesis was obtained from immature inflorescence segments of two cultivars of Coix aquatica Roxb. Somatic embryos were differentiated indirectly from embryogenic callus initiated from male inflorescence. Out of various concentrations of 2, 4-D and sucrose tested, N6 medium containing 1-2 mg/1 2, 4-D and 3% sucrose concentration gave good response for callusing. The frequency of callus induction from genotype C-27 was up to 80%. The difference in callusing was found to be due to genotype rather than to different concentrations of 2, 4-D. Transfer of embryogenic calli to MS medium with 0.5 mg/1 6-BAP and 0.03 mg/1 NAA resulted in the production of somatic embryos and plantlets. Combinations of 6-BAP + NAA was more beneficial than Kn + NAA for somatic embryogenesis. The size and age of the explant were found critical for the induction of embryogenesis. Regenerated plants were transferred to field, the regenerants flowered normaly.

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